This is the inaugural workshop of Death and Burial Data: Ireland 1864-1922 (DBDIrl). It is generously supported by an Irish Research Council Laureate Award. This workshop focuses on Historical Data and how historians interrogate, model and use it. We are delighted to welcome Professor Lucia Pozzi from the University of Sassari as our keynote speaker and colleagues from the General Register Office, who will speak about their experiences of conserving, preserving and making accessible the historical Irish Civil Registration data.
All welcome. Sign up on our Eventbright page.
9am Registration
9.15 Welcome and Session chair: Dr Niamh Nic Ghabhann, Assistant Dean Research, FAHSS
9.20-9.40. Death and Burial Data: Ireland 1864-1922 DBDIrl Project overview Ciara Breathnach
9.40-9.55 Ian Walsh, ‘Information Received’: Dublin City Coroner’s Court and death certification 1900.
5 mins Q&A
10-10.30 GRO -Discussion
10.30-10.45 Tea/Coffee
Session Chair : Dr Imelda Doolan, Health Research Institute, UL.
10.45-11.10 Ciara Breathnach & Rachel Murphy, UL, Coroner’s inquests, GRO data and mapping respiratory disease in Dublin 1900-1902.
11.10-11.25 Stuart Clancy, UL, Tuberculosis in Limerick 1900-1902.
11.25-11.40 Professor Tiziana Margaria, UL, DyWA for historians and historical death data.
20 Mins Q&A
12.12.30 Lunch
12.30 – 1.30
Session Chair : Dr Ciara Breathnach.
Keynote speaker.
Professor Lucia Pozzi, U. Sassari, Maternal Mortality in Ireland: the experience of Belfast in the first half of the 20th Century.